Wednesday 12 August 2015


True Consciousness|Empowering Generations

It is 2015. In 20 years time, 2035, majority of today's youths will be nearing their fifties. Life as we know it will be rounding off. The largest population age bracket is between 20 and 35 years old.
People say that what the passing generation gave today's youth is not sustainable. I agree yes. However, they gave according to the depth of their knowledge.

Today we know more and realize that active youth civic engagement is required for sustainable development.
We must rise up to the challenges of our time or leave even greater ruins for those to come after us.

The tools required to ensure faster change and development have been created. Electricity, Space travel, the Internet, Social media. We cannot sit back and wait for someone else to do the job.
Now we must engage our positively and together we will overcome.

Happy International Youth Day 2015
"Youth Civic Engagement"

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