Wednesday 12 August 2015


We Need the Youths to determine the 202020 vision or the society will be a failed one......
-Iyere Ernest Ahamioje 2009

It Gives Me the Greatest Pleasure to be part of this year Youth Day Online Celebration under the platform of Generation Okowa Worldwide Foundation. This Foundation has recognized the essence and importance of tomorrow’s leaders in Today World. It is a great pleasure that Our Loving and Caring Governor has made out time for the youths of today to shape their tomorrows world. God Bless the Good work of H.E in Person of Dr Ifeanyi  Okowa.

The Oxford Dictionary defines Youth as "A time of life when a person is young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult". This Definition defines us all, Our Fathers, Grandfathers and Great Grand Fathers once passed through this stage.

In 1999, The United nations General assembly under it resolution 54/120 Endorsed the recommendation made by the world conference of ministers responsible for Youths to declare every August 12th the International Youth Day ( The theme of this Year Youth Day is “YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT”.

Civic engagement involves “working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes” (Erlich, 2000).

One question that comes to my mind is how can we engage the Nigerian youth in Civic Engagement?
Preparing all youth for a successful transition to adulthood is both a key responsibility and an important investment for policymakers. Creating opportunities for young people to grow into thriving adults will increase the well-being of the next generation, and ultimately translate into savings for taxpayers.

When young people become disconnected, policymakers in every state are forced to deal with a range of costly consequences that both threaten individual futures and result in soaring public expenditures. Youth without opportunities or a connection to their communities may engage in negative behaviors including substance abuse, delinquency, risky sexual behavior and dropping out of high school. Alternatively, young people with a clear sense of identity, a positive sense of self-worth and opportunities to achieve are likely to be successful.

In Nigeria today, Youths are not typically conceived of as productive and constructive social actors, but rather as potential sources of political disruption, delinquency and criminality. Yet, pre-independence social and political movements were often led by young people who defined themselves as 'youth' to provide dynamic support to the leadership of the freedom and independence movements or in opposition to their elders who were supposedly content to be cronies of the colonial regimes. Some political parties were explicitly organized around youth. (Ahamioje, 2009).
Whilst youth has become a global issue, the situation of youth in Nigeria- characterized by embarrassingly high levels of unemployment and underemployment, exodus to other continents, involvement in violent political and social conflicts, etc. - is critical and requires strategic regional and National action.

Nigerian Youths needs re-orientation as a matter of urgency, the past ideals of amassing wealth through looting public funds and other vices must be seen as an evil of the past. We must become content as long as we have shelter, clothing, food, education and health care. Enough of unnecessary greed!

It will be biased of me to condemn the acts of our Youth generation without proffering solutions and see how today’s youth can be civic Engaged.

It is Important for our leaders , Now not to deprive our Youths and Encourage Youth Programs  that will promote Youth Civic Engagement vis a vis Youth Initiatives programs that will enlighten the youth. Such programs like;

ü  Promoting Youth Voters Registration
ü  Establishing Opportunity for Youth Participation in Politics where by a youth advisory council should be created to ensure that the voices of the youths are heard.
ü  Promote Diverse Forms of Youth Service because those youths that participate in a diverse service activities are more likely to become engaged in the community and are more likely to develop a long lasting sense of civic responsibility. This can be informing of Skilled and gain experience, while giving back to their communities. This gives a government the opportunity to provide for out of classroom learning.
ü  Promoting Policies to support Youth Engagement

On a final Note, I want to stress that Successful Youth Engagement Strategies requires that most youth have great and meaningful opportunities to work with each other within their communities thereby developing themselves and their ability to become an agent of change. Activities like discussion, Youth Empowerment, Women’s right, Public Enlightenment campaigns, Encouraging Sports, skilled and unskilled acquisition. The Knowledge that We as Youths gets from our surroundings helps to transform our Communities.

God Bless Our Youths, The Tomorrow Leaders, God Bless all the Youths Around the world, God bless Our Great State Delta State and finally God Bless Nigeria!!!

Dr Ernest I Ahamioje(Phd, ABD)
Nigeria Youth Ambassador to the United Nations,
C.E.O of Positive Nigeria Inc,USA
Executive Director/Head of International Operations, Generation Okowa (USA, Canada, Et al).

1.      Ahamioje, E.I(2009).THE AFRICA CHALLENGE:A Message to the President addressed to the Nigerian Youths at the UNITED NATIONS
2.      Erlich, T. (2000). Civic responsibility and higher education. Westport, CT: Oryx Press -

3.      Flanagan, C., and Levine, P (2010). Civic Engagement and the Transition to Adulthood. The Future of Children.
4.      National Conference of State Legislatures (2006). Legis brief: Engaging Young People in Legislatures.

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